"Era sua noite de sorte, pensou. Jucá e Kika eram duas gatinhas muito gostosinhas, bronzeadas pelo sol de Ipanema, frequentadoras do Baixo Leblon e da praia do Posto Nove. Moderninhas, malandrinhas e extrovertidas, eram o número que ele calçava. Logo que Kika sentou ao seu lado, Jucá disse que não precisava ter vindo, tentou mostrar que estava tudo tranquilo, tirou os sapatos e disse para a amiga descalçar os seus e ficar à vontade. Ao ver os pezinhos das meninas, os olhos de Tim quase saltaram das órbitas. E foi para o quarto dar mais um realce."
Trecho de Vale Tudo - O Som e a Fúria de Tim Maia (Nelson Motta, 2007)
Some say this is a dangerous place Dangerous women, lipstick mace Men disappear without a trace Stay anonymous, hide your face In this town, you'd need a Bulletproof heart In this town, you'd need a Bulletproof, shatterproof heart When I came here, I was innocent Soon found out what trouble meant Now I regret the times I've spent In your towerblocks and tenements In this town you'd need a Bulletproof heart In this town you'd need a Bulletproof, shatterproof heart Watch your step Don't open your door Watch your step They want to settle a score Watch your step Don't open your door Open your door Some may say this is a dangerous place Searchlight circles watch this space Men disappear without a trace Anonymous faces lost in the maze In this town you'd need a Bulletproof heart In this town you'd need a Bulletproof, shatterproof heart In this town you'd need a Bulletproof heart, oh... In this town you'd need a Bulletproof, shatterproof heart Shatterproof heart Shatterproof heart In this town In this town In this town In this town